Intradermal pigmentation is a revolutionary procedure that applies micro insertions of natural pigments into the dermal layer of the skin. Each needle is safe and sterile and pigments are free from contamination.


Flystroke with Touch up
Flystroke without touch up
Eyebrow Tattoo
Permanent Make-Up 3D (Microblading With Touch Up)
Permanent Make-Up 3D (Microblading No Touch Up)
Permanent Eyebrow Tattoo No Touchup.
Permanent Eyebrow Tattoo With Touchup
Permanent eyeliner top and lower
$600 (top and bottom)
Permanent eyeliner top or bottom
Permanent lip liner with touch up
Lip Liner with touch ups
Lip Liner with no touch ups
Full lip permanent makeup with touch up
Full lip permanent makeup without touch up
Tattoo Ombre'